Friday, February 25, 2011

Charismatic Encounters

I like how the title of the blog post sounds because of the alliteration (I think that's the correct term) with the "C" sounds. But if I were reading this blog title not knowing what it was about... I might think it was somehow about sex. But don't worry... it's not.

While talking with a friend over lunch today, I was reminded of a "charismatic encounter" I had about thirteen years ago. And by "charismatic" I mean in the spirtual gifts sense. God works in strange ways at times, and I'm glad I was reminded of that today.

I was working at my dad's family business at the time. I happened to be alone in the office that afternoon, and this woman walks in the door and asks for my mom. This is a woman I knew by sight, I knew her name, etc... but had never really had a conversation with her. Mom wasn't there so I asked the woman if I could give her a message. The woman then just intensely stares at me for a couple of seconds (long seconds) and then says, "Oh... Well it must be for you then." Feeling a bit of a socially awkward situation approaching, I was like, "Ummm... What must be for me?" Her response was, "Is there a room in the back or something where we could go and pray? I need to pray for you." I was pretty weirded out, but thought, "Hey... why not... ?" And I was really curious about why she "needed to pray" for me.

So we go and sit at a table in another room, and this woman starts to pray out loud... out loud in tongues that is. I grew up Southern Baptist... at that point in my life I had never heard anything like what was coming out of her mouth. I kinda felt the urge to laugh in surprise... but restrained myself. When she finished, she asked what I thought. All I said was "I don't know." But I was thinking to myself, "Lady, I have no freaking idea what you just prayed!" Then she asked if I wanted to her recap the prayer in English, and was like, "Ummm... yeah, that would be nice." I don't remember the exact words she said in her English recap since it's been thirteen years. But I do remember my mouth dropping wide open when she finished... because it was completely right on and relevant to my spirtual situation at the time. I was about to make a major life decision and had been praying fervently about it.

Why did she show up at the office that day? Is it possible she spoke with someone else who knew about my situation and that's why she came to pray for me? I suppose it's possible. Possible, but pretty doubtful.

I by no means think that stopping in at someone's place of work to pray for them in tongues is an appropriate way to do ministry... especially if that person is pretty much a stranger. That's just not how I roll... But who sent her to pray that prayer of encouragement for me that day? As strange and as socially awkward as it was and as much as I disapprove of her methods, I don't think the woman was sent from Satan. I believe God sent her. To use my friend's phrase, this woman's special "big red phone" in the corner rang, and she answered and then responded.

What am I saying? What's the point? I think sometimes God uses strange methods and weird people (some of which we don't really approve of or think are socially appropriate) to answer our prayers.

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