Monday, January 24, 2011

Closer to 40 than 30

Today is my birthday... and it's difficult for me as an analytical and sentimental woman not to take stock of my life and not to talk about my past, present, and future...

When I was much younger, I never imagined my life to have been so richly blessed with so many honest and lively relationships (almost too many to count)... some of which have endured... some of which have not. Some of the enduring ones I will see again this side of eternity... some I will not... and hopefully the ones that have not endured on this side, I will see on the other.

Today I am remembering my Furman freshman hall friends of Gambrell 200... Kristin, Holley, Laurie, Sylvia, Diana, Sarah, Lisa... and all the late night laughter we shared.

Kelly, my roomie for 3 years... and quite possibly the best friend I have ever had outside of my husband...

Amy, Jenny, and Audrey... my friends from Furman Singers... unbelievable women.

Jill, my sister... another unbelievably successful woman... Lisa, my cousin, who fits in that same category...

Kristi, Camille, Cathy, Caroline, Darby, Ellen, Amy, Angie, Marci, Justin... all friends from my hometown... people whom with I wish I had stayed in better touch.

Monica, Mandy, Ashli, and Neely from Camp Chapparal.

Carol, Alecha, Sherri, Becca, Jenny, Marla, Jill, Dot, Kathy, Tommie, Robin, Susan... my dear friends from Plainview...

Kate, Amber D., Amber T., Becky, Pam, Heather, Sandy, Kendall, Jennifer, Robin, Angie, Susie, Cindy, Emily (partially for whom my daughter is named), Steve, Dave, Tracy, Shasta, Kyle, Kayla, Misty, Gregg... my friends from WT, FUMC Canyon, and Trinity Fellowship Amarillo... Most importantly, Scott, my husband of over six years... who I met in West Texas...

And I haven't even begun the list of the dear friends I have in Nebraska... I can't even list them now because I am crying.

Ignore all of the other things I have... and only look at the people I have had the privilege of knowing... I am blessed beyond measure.

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